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Tuning into 2024: Five Musical Resolutions for Your Ears

New year, new music!

As we kick off another year in the realm of tunes, it's time to set some musical resolutions for 2024. But don't worry, let's keep it chill, casual, and, most importantly, enjoyable. Here are five musical resolutions to start the new year in tune.

  1. Dip Your Toes in Unfamiliar Genres: Sure, your Spotify playlists might be comfy, like a well-worn hoodie. But this year, let's step outside our musical comfort zones. Dive into genres you've only vaguely heard of or didn't even know existed. Jazz-hop, electro-swing, or emo rap – who knows what hidden gems you might unearth?

Learn about Alt Z before everyone's talking about it, and you feel too old.

  1. Revive the Art of Album Listening: In the age of singles and shuffle, listening to an entire album seems almost ancient. This year, pick an album from start to finish. Let the artist take you on a journey, and don't just skip to the hits. You might discover that hidden track at the end that blows your mind.

We recommend Burial's self-titled 2006 debut album Untrue .

3. Explore Local Sounds: Whether in the bustling city or the quiet countryside, a local music scene is waiting to be uncovered. Attend a live gig at the nearby pub, check out a garage band, or discover the local indie scene. Who knows, you might find your new favorite band just around the corner.
  1. Give Old Classics a Second Chance: Remember that album you dismissed a few years ago because it didn't vibe with you then? It may be time to revisit it. Musical tastes evolve; what didn't click before might resonate with you now. Dust off those old CDs or revisit your digital library – you might be surprised.

It's been thirty years; can we call this one an old classic already? Nirvana MTV Unplugged In New York

  1. Keep an Ear to the Ground – What's Fresh in 2024: While it's essential to revisit the classics, let's not forget to stay connected to the present. Explore what's happening in the music scene today. Follow new releases, stay in the loop with emerging artists, and maybe attend a virtual concert. It's like staying current with fashion trends but for your ears. You're only as young as the music you listen to.

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There you have it – five resolutions to spice up your musical journey in 2024. No need to break a sweat or commit to a hardcore regimen; just enjoy the ride and let the music surprise you. Happy listening!